1.Diabetes millitus is a condition in which a decrease in insulin levels in the body.
2.Insulin is formed by the pancreatic hormone that works to solve the blood sugar and convert it into energy.
3.Bila body can not produce enough insulin, the blood kadargula will increase.
4.Terdapat two types of diabetes millitus where each type depending on the needs of each person or insulin time incidence of the disease.
@Tipe 1 is an insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes millitus this condition usually arises in childhood and requires regular insulin injections.
@Tipe 11 is non-insulin-dependent diabetes millitus or arise in adulthood usually occurs at the age above 40 years and can be treated with other preparations are not dependent on insulin injections.
@Penyebab millitus diabetes is not known for sure but most are caused by hereditary factors, lifestyle, diet, infection of the pancreas and which are autoimmune disorders.
1.Pasien often become thirsty or hungry and have a big appetite.
2.Biasanya an increase in urine or polyuria.
3.Penurunan weight loss despite increased appetite.
4.Pasien merasah often get tired or weak that may be accompanied by tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
5.Pengelihatan become blurred.
6.Disertai recurrent skin infections are often accompanied by itching in sensitive areas of the body.
1.Kurangi excessive weight.
2.Olahraga a regular basis and maintain ideal weight.
3.Kontrol health on a regular basis especially if there is injury or infection that does not heal.
4.Kontrol regular blood sugar levels even if you do not have diabetes or if there is one family member with diabetes.
5.Beritahu patients about medicines and how its user: drug name, dosage, frequency of use etc..
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