1.Hepatitis is an inflammatory liver disease that causes swelling and softening on the organ.
2.Hepatitis sometimes can cause permanent liver damage.
3.Penyakit bisebabkan by a virus which consists of several types of hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and G the most common type of hepatitis A, B, and C.
4.Beberapa types of hepatitis have similar symptoms but different way of distributing and its complications each other.
5.Diantara some types of Hepatitis B is usually more serious than the other.
6.Virus hepatitis often transmitted through consumption of food or beverages that have been infected sexsual relationship, contact with the blood of patients infected by needles or blood trefusi or the birth process.
1.Gejala that resemble the flu such as fever body ache.
2.Penderita feel tired or weak.
3.Kehilangan appetite.
4.Mual or vomiting.
5.Warnah skin and eye sclera become yellow (jaundice)
1.Banyak rest and food mengkomsusi bergisi.
2.Hindari heavy physical activity.
3.Mencuci hands after urinating in the toilet to avoid transmission of hepatitis.
4.Jangan mengkomsomsi meat or shellfish that are raw or cooked medium rare.
5.Hindari contact with people with hepatitis.
6.Jangan conduct drug abuse, especially those who frequently use the syringe to be used together.
7.Jangan using a needle that is not setiril or other tools such as acupuncture needles, needles for tattooing and ear piercing.
8.Beritahu patients about medication and how to use the correct instance name of the drug, dosage, frequency of use etc..
sehat setiap hari
Minggu, 23 Januari 2011
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
1.Fatigue is feeling tired brhubungan distinguished by physical factors, emotional or mental.
2.Sebagian of the cases were due to overwork Fatigue like this can be overcome by eating and sleeping Other
3.Penyebab fatigue include anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and rest libodido motivation and a decline.
4.Kondisi can also be caused by certain factors such as disease (eg, anemia, lupus erythematosus), menopause or some drugs.
5.Perhatian be reduced libido, decreased motivation, and fatigue is another symptom.
1.Disertai chest pain and shortness of breath. 2.Kehilangan inkoordinasi balance or weak, especially on one part of the body.
3.Pasien have a desire to commit suicide.
4.Terdapat weight loss or loss of appetite.
5.Pasien jaundice.
6.Pengelihatan double or blurred.
7.Terdapat severe anxiety accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
8.Disertai enlarged lymph nodes throat pain, headaches, pembekakan in the neck, armpit or the groin pain, fever or severe pain in the left abdomen that lasts for 5 minutes or more.
1.Tidur sufficient at least 8 hours every day.
2.Mengkomsumsi nutritious food.
3.Berolah sport with the routine.
4.Menghindari mengkomsusi too much alcohol and caffeine.
5.Mengubah daily routine from now on and avoid monotonous circumstances that can lead to tired mentally.
6.Berhenti merokok.merokok reduce oxygen supply of the body which lowers the body's energy.
7.Bertahu patients about the drug are needed and how to use the drug name, dosage, frequency of use etc..
1.Fatigue is feeling tired brhubungan distinguished by physical factors, emotional or mental.
2.Sebagian of the cases were due to overwork Fatigue like this can be overcome by eating and sleeping Other
3.Penyebab fatigue include anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and rest libodido motivation and a decline.
4.Kondisi can also be caused by certain factors such as disease (eg, anemia, lupus erythematosus), menopause or some drugs.
5.Perhatian be reduced libido, decreased motivation, and fatigue is another symptom.
1.Disertai chest pain and shortness of breath. 2.Kehilangan inkoordinasi balance or weak, especially on one part of the body.
3.Pasien have a desire to commit suicide.
4.Terdapat weight loss or loss of appetite.
5.Pasien jaundice.
6.Pengelihatan double or blurred.
7.Terdapat severe anxiety accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
8.Disertai enlarged lymph nodes throat pain, headaches, pembekakan in the neck, armpit or the groin pain, fever or severe pain in the left abdomen that lasts for 5 minutes or more.
1.Tidur sufficient at least 8 hours every day.
2.Mengkomsumsi nutritious food.
3.Berolah sport with the routine.
4.Menghindari mengkomsusi too much alcohol and caffeine.
5.Mengubah daily routine from now on and avoid monotonous circumstances that can lead to tired mentally.
6.Berhenti merokok.merokok reduce oxygen supply of the body which lowers the body's energy.
7.Bertahu patients about the drug are needed and how to use the drug name, dosage, frequency of use etc..
Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011
FACTS @ Cause of diarrhea varies among them changes in diet, food intolerance (eg lactose), inflammatory bowel disorders, drug induction (anibiotik antacids containing magnesium) bacterial infection (food poisoning) or viral infection (rotavirus in children)
@ Diarrhea can be accompanied by abdominal cramps, vomiting or fever.
@ In patients with diarrhea, especially young children and elderly, have a risk of dehydration which can be fatal.
1.diare occurred more than 48 hours in normal adults
2.diare heavy and settled on the child or children more quickly dehydrated.
3.Biasanya on patients aged less than 5 years.
4.Tedapat blood in the stool that looks like tar.
5.Feses contain lots of fat with a characteristic pale, oily, foul smelling and hard watered.
6.Disertai with symptoms such as fever, abdominal cramps, sense of feeling ill, vomiting, weakness and dizziness.
7.Terdapat signs of dehydration (lethargy, reduced skin elasticity, dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes, urine output decreases, the heart rate to go to fast)
8.Diare may occur during the trip or can after can antibiotic therapy.
9.Terjadi defikasi pattern changes become constipated.
10.Diare can occur in people with anorexia.
1.Hindari soda or other beverages with high glucose levels because the sugar will absorb the fluid into the intestine thus exacerbating the situation.
2.Untuk children given fluid and electrolyte rehydration solution.
3.Tetap consume nutritious foods and soft.
4.Anak children may mngalami lactose intolerance (inability to digest milk sugar) for some time after this daire.Dalam introduced gradually returned to susus.
5.Hindarilah spread of disease ini.cucilah hands after defecation, before eating or for preparing food.
@ Diarrhea can be accompanied by abdominal cramps, vomiting or fever.
@ In patients with diarrhea, especially young children and elderly, have a risk of dehydration which can be fatal.
1.diare occurred more than 48 hours in normal adults
2.diare heavy and settled on the child or children more quickly dehydrated.
3.Biasanya on patients aged less than 5 years.
4.Tedapat blood in the stool that looks like tar.
5.Feses contain lots of fat with a characteristic pale, oily, foul smelling and hard watered.
6.Disertai with symptoms such as fever, abdominal cramps, sense of feeling ill, vomiting, weakness and dizziness.
7.Terdapat signs of dehydration (lethargy, reduced skin elasticity, dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes, urine output decreases, the heart rate to go to fast)
8.Diare may occur during the trip or can after can antibiotic therapy.
9.Terjadi defikasi pattern changes become constipated.
10.Diare can occur in people with anorexia.
1.Hindari soda or other beverages with high glucose levels because the sugar will absorb the fluid into the intestine thus exacerbating the situation.
2.Untuk children given fluid and electrolyte rehydration solution.
3.Tetap consume nutritious foods and soft.
4.Anak children may mngalami lactose intolerance (inability to digest milk sugar) for some time after this daire.Dalam introduced gradually returned to susus.
5.Hindarilah spread of disease ini.cucilah hands after defecation, before eating or for preparing food.
Rabu, 05 Januari 2011
1.Diabetes millitus is a condition in which a decrease in insulin levels in the body.
2.Insulin is formed by the pancreatic hormone that works to solve the blood sugar and convert it into energy.
3.Bila body can not produce enough insulin, the blood kadargula will increase.
4.Terdapat two types of diabetes millitus where each type depending on the needs of each person or insulin time incidence of the disease.
@Tipe 1 is an insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes millitus this condition usually arises in childhood and requires regular insulin injections.
@Tipe 11 is non-insulin-dependent diabetes millitus or arise in adulthood usually occurs at the age above 40 years and can be treated with other preparations are not dependent on insulin injections.
@Penyebab millitus diabetes is not known for sure but most are caused by hereditary factors, lifestyle, diet, infection of the pancreas and which are autoimmune disorders.
1.Pasien often become thirsty or hungry and have a big appetite.
2.Biasanya an increase in urine or polyuria.
3.Penurunan weight loss despite increased appetite.
4.Pasien merasah often get tired or weak that may be accompanied by tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
5.Pengelihatan become blurred.
6.Disertai recurrent skin infections are often accompanied by itching in sensitive areas of the body.
1.Kurangi excessive weight.
2.Olahraga a regular basis and maintain ideal weight.
3.Kontrol health on a regular basis especially if there is injury or infection that does not heal.
4.Kontrol regular blood sugar levels even if you do not have diabetes or if there is one family member with diabetes.
5.Beritahu patients about medicines and how its user: drug name, dosage, frequency of use etc..
1.Diabetes millitus is a condition in which a decrease in insulin levels in the body.
2.Insulin is formed by the pancreatic hormone that works to solve the blood sugar and convert it into energy.
3.Bila body can not produce enough insulin, the blood kadargula will increase.
4.Terdapat two types of diabetes millitus where each type depending on the needs of each person or insulin time incidence of the disease.
@Tipe 1 is an insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes millitus this condition usually arises in childhood and requires regular insulin injections.
@Tipe 11 is non-insulin-dependent diabetes millitus or arise in adulthood usually occurs at the age above 40 years and can be treated with other preparations are not dependent on insulin injections.
@Penyebab millitus diabetes is not known for sure but most are caused by hereditary factors, lifestyle, diet, infection of the pancreas and which are autoimmune disorders.
1.Pasien often become thirsty or hungry and have a big appetite.
2.Biasanya an increase in urine or polyuria.
3.Penurunan weight loss despite increased appetite.
4.Pasien merasah often get tired or weak that may be accompanied by tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
5.Pengelihatan become blurred.
6.Disertai recurrent skin infections are often accompanied by itching in sensitive areas of the body.
1.Kurangi excessive weight.
2.Olahraga a regular basis and maintain ideal weight.
3.Kontrol health on a regular basis especially if there is injury or infection that does not heal.
4.Kontrol regular blood sugar levels even if you do not have diabetes or if there is one family member with diabetes.
5.Beritahu patients about medicines and how its user: drug name, dosage, frequency of use etc..
1.Istilah eczema dermatitis and rash often used to describe the same condition.
2.Batuk the most common of these conditions are contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis atopik.Bentuk include, Nummular, eksfoliatif generalisita, stasia and scratch lokalisita.
Contact Dermatitis
1.Timbul due to direct contact with irritants.
2.Terbatas in the area of contact
3.Berkembang slow chronic nature of exposure.
4.Akibat skin contact with chemical irritants such as hair dye, jewelry from nickel, plaster, perfumes 5.Disertai feeling very itchy red welts and later became.
Atopic Dermatitis
1.Umumnya about the elbow and behind the knee.
2.Sering occur in people with a history of allergies and asthma.
3.muncul in early childhood.
4.Biasanya symmetrical.
5.Sering there is a history of allergy or eczema in the family.
Symptoms include dermatitis.
1.Kemerahan lightly until clear.
3.Kering, peeling, cracking, wet in some areas and thickened skin.
4.Mungkin swelling and blisters.
1.Terdapat signs of infection include a wet area or a pussy.
2.Kulit accompanied by inflamed or very red hot burning sensation or an infected area.
3.Ruam spread and cause discomfort lasting more than 3 weeks.
4.Timbul vasikel (little bumps containing clear fluid)
5.Terdapat part diarea white scales or very peel.
6.Kulit become very dry, hard and stiff.
7.Psien are children or elderly.
1.Orang who have dry skin or dermatitis tend to have to use hypoallergenic cosmetics.
2.Bila may use alternative products to avoid the cause of contact dermatitis.
3.Setelah bath dry with a towel by patting rather than rubbing.
4.Gunakan mild soap soap is elementary of therapy.
5.Hindari bathing too often because it will make the skin become more kering.mandi just one or two times a day.
6.Oleskan moisturizer to help prevent skin dryness.
7.Beritahu patients about the drug is needed and how to use the drug name, dosage, frequency of use .
1.Istilah eczema dermatitis and rash often used to describe the same condition.
2.Batuk the most common of these conditions are contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis atopik.Bentuk include, Nummular, eksfoliatif generalisita, stasia and scratch lokalisita.
Contact Dermatitis
1.Timbul due to direct contact with irritants.
2.Terbatas in the area of contact
3.Berkembang slow chronic nature of exposure.
4.Akibat skin contact with chemical irritants such as hair dye, jewelry from nickel, plaster, perfumes 5.Disertai feeling very itchy red welts and later became.
Atopic Dermatitis
1.Umumnya about the elbow and behind the knee.
2.Sering occur in people with a history of allergies and asthma.
3.muncul in early childhood.
4.Biasanya symmetrical.
5.Sering there is a history of allergy or eczema in the family.
Symptoms include dermatitis.
1.Kemerahan lightly until clear.
3.Kering, peeling, cracking, wet in some areas and thickened skin.
4.Mungkin swelling and blisters.
1.Terdapat signs of infection include a wet area or a pussy.
2.Kulit accompanied by inflamed or very red hot burning sensation or an infected area.
3.Ruam spread and cause discomfort lasting more than 3 weeks.
4.Timbul vasikel (little bumps containing clear fluid)
5.Terdapat part diarea white scales or very peel.
6.Kulit become very dry, hard and stiff.
7.Psien are children or elderly.
1.Orang who have dry skin or dermatitis tend to have to use hypoallergenic cosmetics.
2.Bila may use alternative products to avoid the cause of contact dermatitis.
3.Setelah bath dry with a towel by patting rather than rubbing.
4.Gunakan mild soap soap is elementary of therapy.
5.Hindari bathing too often because it will make the skin become more kering.mandi just one or two times a day.
6.Oleskan moisturizer to help prevent skin dryness.
7.Beritahu patients about the drug is needed and how to use the drug name, dosage, frequency of use .
Selasa, 28 Desember 2010
DEPRESSION is one of the psychiatric problems are prevalent in our society of late-ini.gejala symptoms are characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of spirit which mendalam'pesimis hidup.setiap people have experienced periods of depression are different in this kind of depression hidupnya.keadaan is a normal reaction that often occurs in our lives, eperti death of loved ones, lost jobs dll.kasus other than depression, including severe life problems or prolonged stress, physical illnesses, impaired hormonal balance, the use of drugs, instability family relationships, or disturbances in otak.depresi biochemical reactions can be accompanied by abnormal use of the old drug or arise without the existence of a cause and people no longer cared so his condition.
1.Penderita often feel guilty, helpless, hopeless fast or not valuable.
2.pasien keinginananya repeatedly talked of suicide or death sertaadanya desire to be alone and trying to withdraw from lingkunganya.
3.Gejala-other symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and weight loss, loss of concentration and memory, rapid fatigue, lethargy, agitation, excessive anxiety, or some other behavioral changes that affect the normal life person.
1.Mengambil leave and try to pergiberlibur at least once a year.
2.olahraga regularly
3.Hindari consume beverages containing alcohol.
4.Tertawa is the best medicine so learn to be more relaxed by watching a funny movie, read the stories of humor, or funny stories.
5.Beritahu patients about medicines and how its user and drug name, dosage, frequency of use, etc..
6.pada cases where the depression is affecting the lives of patients or in cases where the situation got worse, despite being treated in such circumstances kepsikiater refer patients.
1.Penderita often feel guilty, helpless, hopeless fast or not valuable.
2.pasien keinginananya repeatedly talked of suicide or death sertaadanya desire to be alone and trying to withdraw from lingkunganya.
3.Gejala-other symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and weight loss, loss of concentration and memory, rapid fatigue, lethargy, agitation, excessive anxiety, or some other behavioral changes that affect the normal life person.
1.Mengambil leave and try to pergiberlibur at least once a year.
2.olahraga regularly
3.Hindari consume beverages containing alcohol.
4.Tertawa is the best medicine so learn to be more relaxed by watching a funny movie, read the stories of humor, or funny stories.
5.Beritahu patients about medicines and how its user and drug name, dosage, frequency of use, etc..
6.pada cases where the depression is affecting the lives of patients or in cases where the situation got worse, despite being treated in such circumstances kepsikiater refer patients.
FACTS: dry cough (not productive) is a cough that does not produce sputum, often making itchy throat, causing the voice becomes hoarse or dry hilang.Batuk often triggered by inhalation of food particles, irritant substances, cigarette smoke, both active and passive smokers , and changes temperatur.Batuk this kind can be a residual symptom of viral infection or flu.Dibandingkan with productive cough dry cough no other symptoms other than cough, patients often feel no pain no chest congestion and breathing problems.
SYMPTOMS: dry cough that persist more than a month with little or no perbaikan.Disertai fever, coughing up blood, shortness of breath or chest pain during batuk.Pasien is asthma, hypertension, aged under 5 years old with heart problems or stomach or moderate smokers menjalanni fabric treatment lain.Terdapat symptoms such as headaches, ear pain or arising ruam.Berat whole body decreased and muscle aches.
Recommendation: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in a dry environment and dingin.Bila rutin.Hindari occurred in the treatment of exacerbations instruct the patient to immediately contact dokter.Beritahu patients about side effects that may arise from some cough preparations containing derivatives, especially opiates.
Cough & Colds: Cough suppressant other central works but not from this drug include batumirat opioid.kelompok citrate and pentoksiverin.Produk combination provides a synergistic effect with the main target of cholinergic receptors and the cough center usually containing antitussives and antihestmin which can reduce the desire to avoid cough products ekspetoran contain useful only in case of congestion or products that contain decongestants that can cause insomnia.Derifat opiates work directly suppress cough center brain side effects include mild sedation and constipation until severe dependency.
SYMPTOMS: dry cough that persist more than a month with little or no perbaikan.Disertai fever, coughing up blood, shortness of breath or chest pain during batuk.Pasien is asthma, hypertension, aged under 5 years old with heart problems or stomach or moderate smokers menjalanni fabric treatment lain.Terdapat symptoms such as headaches, ear pain or arising ruam.Berat whole body decreased and muscle aches.
Recommendation: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in a dry environment and dingin.Bila rutin.Hindari occurred in the treatment of exacerbations instruct the patient to immediately contact dokter.Beritahu patients about side effects that may arise from some cough preparations containing derivatives, especially opiates.
Cough & Colds: Cough suppressant other central works but not from this drug include batumirat opioid.kelompok citrate and pentoksiverin.Produk combination provides a synergistic effect with the main target of cholinergic receptors and the cough center usually containing antitussives and antihestmin which can reduce the desire to avoid cough products ekspetoran contain useful only in case of congestion or products that contain decongestants that can cause insomnia.Derifat opiates work directly suppress cough center brain side effects include mild sedation and constipation until severe dependency.
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