DEPRESSION is one of the psychiatric problems are prevalent in our society of late-ini.gejala symptoms are characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of spirit which mendalam'pesimis hidup.setiap people have experienced periods of depression are different in this kind of depression hidupnya.keadaan is a normal reaction that often occurs in our lives, eperti death of loved ones, lost jobs dll.kasus other than depression, including severe life problems or prolonged stress, physical illnesses, impaired hormonal balance, the use of drugs, instability family relationships, or disturbances in otak.depresi biochemical reactions can be accompanied by abnormal use of the old drug or arise without the existence of a cause and people no longer cared so his condition.
1.Penderita often feel guilty, helpless, hopeless fast or not valuable.
2.pasien keinginananya repeatedly talked of suicide or death sertaadanya desire to be alone and trying to withdraw from lingkunganya.
3.Gejala-other symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and weight loss, loss of concentration and memory, rapid fatigue, lethargy, agitation, excessive anxiety, or some other behavioral changes that affect the normal life person.
1.Mengambil leave and try to pergiberlibur at least once a year.
2.olahraga regularly
3.Hindari consume beverages containing alcohol.
4.Tertawa is the best medicine so learn to be more relaxed by watching a funny movie, read the stories of humor, or funny stories.
5.Beritahu patients about medicines and how its user and drug name, dosage, frequency of use, etc..
6.pada cases where the depression is affecting the lives of patients or in cases where the situation got worse, despite being treated in such circumstances kepsikiater refer patients.
Selasa, 28 Desember 2010
FACTS: dry cough (not productive) is a cough that does not produce sputum, often making itchy throat, causing the voice becomes hoarse or dry hilang.Batuk often triggered by inhalation of food particles, irritant substances, cigarette smoke, both active and passive smokers , and changes temperatur.Batuk this kind can be a residual symptom of viral infection or flu.Dibandingkan with productive cough dry cough no other symptoms other than cough, patients often feel no pain no chest congestion and breathing problems.
SYMPTOMS: dry cough that persist more than a month with little or no perbaikan.Disertai fever, coughing up blood, shortness of breath or chest pain during batuk.Pasien is asthma, hypertension, aged under 5 years old with heart problems or stomach or moderate smokers menjalanni fabric treatment lain.Terdapat symptoms such as headaches, ear pain or arising ruam.Berat whole body decreased and muscle aches.
Recommendation: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in a dry environment and dingin.Bila rutin.Hindari occurred in the treatment of exacerbations instruct the patient to immediately contact dokter.Beritahu patients about side effects that may arise from some cough preparations containing derivatives, especially opiates.
Cough & Colds: Cough suppressant other central works but not from this drug include batumirat opioid.kelompok citrate and pentoksiverin.Produk combination provides a synergistic effect with the main target of cholinergic receptors and the cough center usually containing antitussives and antihestmin which can reduce the desire to avoid cough products ekspetoran contain useful only in case of congestion or products that contain decongestants that can cause insomnia.Derifat opiates work directly suppress cough center brain side effects include mild sedation and constipation until severe dependency.
SYMPTOMS: dry cough that persist more than a month with little or no perbaikan.Disertai fever, coughing up blood, shortness of breath or chest pain during batuk.Pasien is asthma, hypertension, aged under 5 years old with heart problems or stomach or moderate smokers menjalanni fabric treatment lain.Terdapat symptoms such as headaches, ear pain or arising ruam.Berat whole body decreased and muscle aches.
Recommendation: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in a dry environment and dingin.Bila rutin.Hindari occurred in the treatment of exacerbations instruct the patient to immediately contact dokter.Beritahu patients about side effects that may arise from some cough preparations containing derivatives, especially opiates.
Cough & Colds: Cough suppressant other central works but not from this drug include batumirat opioid.kelompok citrate and pentoksiverin.Produk combination provides a synergistic effect with the main target of cholinergic receptors and the cough center usually containing antitussives and antihestmin which can reduce the desire to avoid cough products ekspetoran contain useful only in case of congestion or products that contain decongestants that can cause insomnia.Derifat opiates work directly suppress cough center brain side effects include mild sedation and constipation until severe dependency.
FACTS: productive cough that is characterized by chest feels full or berbunyi.Pasien may experience feelings of congestion and the difficulty is usually accompanied by expulsion mukus.Gejala bernafas.Batuk usually gain weight when awake and when berbicara.Batuk productive can be a symptom after a sore throat and nasal congestion sinus.
SYMPTOMS: Seputum faintly darah.Mukus thick, sticky and brown, yellow, green or merah.Disertai demam.Pasien have shortened breath or wheezing or chest pain when coughing.
ASTHMA is a chronic respiratory disease that manifests as respiratory symptoms include berulang.gejala-cough, wheezing and shortness of nafas.penyakit this is a allergic reaction on lung tubules and may cause excessive bronchial reaction if given stimulus such as dust, stress, etc..
EFFICIENT: seranagan lighter-weight: shortness of sound accompanied by wheezing, coughing and mucus production that much, can not rest. Severe attacks (status asmatikus) can not breathe, stiff neck and limb muscles become colored kebiruan.Serangan both: a continuation of previous disease which attacks menjai more frequent and more sensitive to second iritan.serangan usually more severe and more dangerous in the first attack appeal Asthma triggers include heredity, infections, allergens, environmental, socio-economic and psycho-social, such as dust, pet fur, excessive emotions, food, etc..
SYMPTOMS: Patients experiencing difficulty breathing, requiring more bronchodilators in the form inhalasi.puncak expiratory flow below 60% of capacity normal.serangan lasted for several days without any perbaikan.pasien experienced confusion, lethargy and cyanosis of the lips and ekstremitas.Peningkatan pulse and sweats accompanied by severe coughing and fever.
Recommendation: use air filters and air conditioning to make the home atmosphere became more nyaman.Sedapat may avoid or reduce environmental triggers of asthma pasien.Jagalah for the house is always clean from dust.
Jumat, 17 Desember 2010
Arthritis is a chronic joint disease that almost 50% of people aged 65 years atas.nyeri and inflammation of the joints is a hallmark of the disease ini.osteoarthritis or having the character of degenerative joint disease, usually strikes people over the age of rheumatoid 50th.artritis: forms of arthritis The most often on people aged 20-50 yrs, manifests as pain or stiffness in the joints, swelling, pain, heartburn, and this kemerahan.kondisi associated with immune system disorders in infectious sendi.artriitis network: pain and stiffness in one joints accompanied by a burning sensation and redness in the surrounding tissue caused by microorganisms, chills, fever, weakness and rash may accompany gout ini.arthritis conditions: conditions caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints which manifests as sudden pain attacks in one of the joints accompanied swelling and redness.
SYMPTOMS there are one or more joints are swollen or inflamed experienced stiffness in the morning and lasts long, recurrent pain is felt in some joints, the patient can not move persendianya normally, there is redness or burning sensation in the joints, resulting demdm weight loss or a sense of weak, the joints become stiff after sitting or lying down long
Advice of all kinds of sports can dilakukansejauh not increased pain or swelling, heat or cold compresses can help relieve hot nyerikompres can relieve stiffness while cold compresses causing a sore area becomes numb hot bath can also help relax muscles and relieve pain, maintain normal weight excessive weight gives greater pressure on joints, increasing the risk of hip and knee pain hip, inform patients about the drug is needed and how to use the drug name, dosage, frequency of use.
THERAPY analgesic and anti-inflammatory which contain NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are used topically to reduce swelling and pain, Analgesic & Antipyretics class of NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are widely used to relieve swelling and pain in the joints These medications can cause side effects such as tinnitus, irritability , and gastric ulcer. .
SYMPTOMS there are one or more joints are swollen or inflamed experienced stiffness in the morning and lasts long, recurrent pain is felt in some joints, the patient can not move persendianya normally, there is redness or burning sensation in the joints, resulting demdm weight loss or a sense of weak, the joints become stiff after sitting or lying down long
Advice of all kinds of sports can dilakukansejauh not increased pain or swelling, heat or cold compresses can help relieve hot nyerikompres can relieve stiffness while cold compresses causing a sore area becomes numb hot bath can also help relax muscles and relieve pain, maintain normal weight excessive weight gives greater pressure on joints, increasing the risk of hip and knee pain hip, inform patients about the drug is needed and how to use the drug name, dosage, frequency of use.
THERAPY analgesic and anti-inflammatory which contain NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are used topically to reduce swelling and pain, Analgesic & Antipyretics class of NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are widely used to relieve swelling and pain in the joints These medications can cause side effects such as tinnitus, irritability , and gastric ulcer. .
Senin, 29 November 2010
Allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction of the body against substances that are usually not harmful, such as
dust, pollen, food, etc..
1.alergi system: Respiratory: rhinitis, asthma, fever pollen (hay fever).
2.alergi intestinal: vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
3.alergi skin: skin allergy: a mild skin redness until urticaria, dermatitis, can occur in all places
including the eye (allergic konjungtivitas)
4.alergi serious can cause anaphylactic shock which was marked by agitation, shortness of breath
accompanied by wheezing sound, rapid pulse , cold sweat, pale skin, dermatitis, abdominal
cramps, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, collapse, convulsions, and if not treat the occurrence of
1.eksaserbasi asthma and severe breathing difficulties.
2.diare weight accompanied by loss of fluid and electrolytes in large numbers.
1.if known allergen, avoid wherever possible.
2.if allergies are caused by medication, stop using it immediately.
3.if allergy causing severe itching, use anti-itch preparations calamin or another, scratching will only
make things worse.
4.take care your home to keep them clean and free of allergens at any time.
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